Slammed BMW 5 E28
At first, I want to note that this slammed BMW 5 E28 is in stunning condition. Probably it was restored. Owner has made just a few modifications for exterior. He replaced stock wheels into these. It's a pretty popular styling for that era. Ferrari F40 had similar wheels. So they are looking just stunning. Especially if you had a poster with F40 many years ago. Else this stanced BMW 5 E28 got an air suspension. Airlift equipment looks cool and stylish. It's all was needed to make this old fighter so cool. But that;s not all. Owner has installed a lip under front bumper. It has made a silhouette lower. Old school chrome mirrors are looking an a couple with another chrome trim. Else this E28 got a new stainless exhaust system. I guess this car could get else some modifications in engine bay. It's around 40 years old car. Age is pushing owners to use new technologies this car to stay on the roads.
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